6 Sept 2018

Writing an Effective Resume:

Use these tips for write an effective resume that meets the employer's needs and gets you an interview. 


Type your name at the top in caps with large, bold type. Include your address, Valid phone number, and email address.


Get focused on your job objective before writing the rest of the resume and tailor the resume to the job and the field.
Clearly state the position you are seeking and whether it is a full-time or part-time job or an internship. You can also include the industry and any skills you want to emphasize. Avoid vague phrases that focus on what you will gain from the experience. Everything that follows on the resume should support the objective.


Identify your Most Recent degree, major, Completed year, and Percentage.
Include education abroad and any relevant vocational schools, certificates, and job training.

Course Listings 

You may include a short list of courses to show experience, training, or knowledge in the field as long as they are relevant to the job objective.


Make your skills the selling point of your resume. Include specific skills that pertain to your objective such as computer languages, technical skills, and lab techniques. You may also include interpersonal and adaptive skills such as communication, leadership, writing research, teamwork, etc.Be sure to back up each skill on your resume with specific and convincing evidence.


Start from Last work experience to first job.
Mention the clear details about all the experiences like projects, work job descriptions and period of experience and more necessary details. If you have extensive experience, some of it unrelated to your objective, use two subsections: related and additional.
Use your most important and relevant experience to convince the employer that you have the skills necessary to do the job. In this section articulate your accomplishments clearly and concisely using active voice to present evidence of your skills.

Optional information 

You can include professional and extracurricular affiliations and activities, honors and awards, and sports.

Items to avoid

Keep references on a separate sheet and give to the employer when asked.
Omit your age, religious or political affiliations, marital status, or other personal data, which could be used to screen you out.


  • Keep your resume to one page unless you have extensive related experience.
  • Organize headings so that the most important points are first.
  • Invite the readers' attention by using open space, wide margins, and bullets to set off text.
  • Use good quality white or off-white paper.
  • Use clear and dark 10-12 point type.
  • Spell and punctuate perfectly. Proofread several times.
  • Special formatting for scanned, emailed or online resumes .

Thank you in advance…,

3 Sept 2018


Hello all.!!

Here we can see the top most job portals which is companies and Consultancies mostly using for recruiting the candidates. 

1) Naukri.Com: 

Naukri.com is the largest online job portal, which has the biggest network of clients and companies in all possible fields. The site has extended its services to marriage and real estate also. The site first came into being in the year 1997 and has been accredited as being the leading job site in India by reviews and ratings. The site has a nifty feature of Job Messenger for sending job opportunities to the registered users.

2) Monster.Com:

Most of the companies in india which is not used Naukri.com they will give next preference for Monsterindia.com.

Monster is a well-known website for job seekers around the world including Indian citizens. It has a well-developed and extended network of Indian recruiters and job seekers. Both employers and potential employees have a wide choice of opportunities.

3) Linkedin.com:

Linkedin is unquestionably one of the world’s extensive professional network. It has 400+ million members, and to the members are spread across the world, in around 200 countries and territories. Once a professional signs up on LinkedIn, he/she get direct access to a lot of people whom he/she can connect to. Plus, a plenty of jobs, news, feeds and insights that enable the candidates reach closer to more fantastic career opportunities. Plus, it is really become popular as a brilliant network enhancing site!

4) Indeed.com:

This website is particularly helpful for those candidates who are searching for private job, with opportunities ranging for those who have just completed their 10th or 12th, to those with higher degrees such as MCA, BE or B Tech. 

5) Shine.com:

Shine, as we know is a part of Hindustan Times group and was set up in the year 2008. Statistically, the site has done a brilliant job is less time, and has rapidly become one of the best job site in the country. It has got more than 3 million jobs plus, the site is linked with more than 14,000 companies. 

6) Timesjobs.com:

TimesJobs.com is a subsidiary of Times Business Solutions. It is well regarded for its user friendly design and convenience. A unique feature of this portal is the ability for candidates to post multiple resumes, specific to the industries they are applying to.

Except these above 6 portals startup companies will use some free job portals also. please find the below job portals which is startup companies using for Recruitment.

* Freshersworld.com

* Glassdoor.co.in

* Placementindia

* Careerage

* Quikr


Thank you all !!!!

17 Jan 2018

Basic Knowledge and Format for Full and Final Settlement

What is Full and Final Settlement in payroll?
When an employee is leaving the company, he has to get paid for last working month. This procedure of paying or recovering during the resignation process is called Final Settlement.
Final settlement can be done on the last working payroll month or subsequent months. The employee can be settled first and then resigned or you can resign an employee and then do the final settlement at a later date.

What components are used to decide the final settlement sum?
Unpaid Salary (including annual benefits such as leave travel allowance) and arrears, which is calculated as the number of days for which salary is to be paid multiplied by the gross salary divided by 26 (paid days in a month)
Unpaid bonus
Payment for non-availed leaves, which is calculated as the number of days of non-availed leave multiplied by basic salary divided by 26

Apart from the usual components the following might be applicable:

Gratuity, if four years and 240 days have been completed


Deductions include profession tax (if applicable), provident fund, income tax and compensation for notice period not served.

What is the period of settlement?
As far as the period for settlement is concerned, the final settlement needs to happen on an employee's last working day at the organisation. However, as clearances take time, it is prevalent policy to do so within 30-45 days after the employee has left.
For gratuity, the stipulation is 30 days after leaving the company, while bonuses must be paid within the specified accounting year.

What necessary measures that an employee must do to ensure no complications?
Make sure to settle any advances taken or get it adjusted in the final settlement.
Get a copy of all the various clearances required from the different departments of the organisation that you were attached with.
Refer to the standing orders of the company, employee rule book, HR policy handbook etc. All such policies should be kept within the reach and knowledge of the employee. If these policies are not available with you may demand these and also try and obtain from some colleague.
Instead of making verbal communications you should address written representation under acknowledgment to your HR contact and narrate all representations by phone (mention phone numbers, date, time etc.) and minutes of discussion, followed by escalation to MD, Chairman, Company Secretary, with a copy to Head-HR and raise your queries.
Under which law can an employee seek relief?
Employee can seek relief under Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act, SE act applicable to the state, Payment of Wages Act, ID act as per explanation of employee under these enactments or thru civil court.

What is the general format of a Full and Final settlement letter?

The GM- HR,
......................(Name of Company)

Re: Issuance of Full & Final Settlement

Dear Sir,

Please refer to my resignation dt.......from the company. I am sorry to state that even after the expiry of .... days from my resignation, my full & final settlement is not made which is a cause of concern to me.

I therefore request that my full & final settlement be done & any amount due be sent to me along with the original Statement at the earliest.

thanking you in anticipation.

best regards,


..........(Current Address)

Full and Final Settlement

Full & Final Settlements commonly known at the FnF process is the procedure required to be followed by the employer after the employee has resigned from his/her services. The procedure is fairly simple and is as per guidelines set out in the appointment contract.

As a leading HR & Payroll Company consulting small and medium businesses Pan-India on things HR, Payroll & Compliance related ; exit formalities are something most companies remain clueless about. This week’s post draws light on the major components that are  part of Full & Final Settlement Statement.

Major Components that are part of the Full & Final Settlements

1. Unpaid Salary

The full and final settlement includes the unpaid salary for the number of days for which the employee has worked for since his resignation date and his last working day. Unpaid salary including annual benefits such as LTA ( leave travel allowance) and arrears which is calculated as the number of days for which salary is to be paid multiplied by the gross salary divided by 26 (paid days in a month).

2. Non-Availed Leaves & Bonus

As per Section 79 (11) of the Factories Act 1948 all unpaid leave dues should be paid by or before the 7th & 10th of the following month of resignation. As per Section 15(3) of the Karnataka Shops & Commercial Est. Act leave encashment dues should be settled by or before the 7th & 10th of the following month.

Payment for non-availed leaves (earned or privilege leave), which is calculated as the number of days of non-availed leaves multiplied by basic salary divided by 26 days (paid days in a month).

3. Gratuity

As per Section 7 (3) of the PG Act 1972 Gratuity should be offered within 30 days of the separation or else it will have to be paid with interest if four years and 240 days have been completed by the employee.

4. Deductions

Deductions include Profession Tax (if applicable), Provident Fund, Income Tax and Compensation for Notice Period not served. Gratuity and cashed earned leave are exempt from tax deducted at source (TDS) as per Income Tax Act. All other payments attract TDS under Section 192 of the Income Tax Act. As per Section 72 (5) of the E.P.F Act 1952 the Employer shall forward the E.P.F claim forms within 5 Days of the employee submitting the claim.

5. Pension

Pension, as long as the employee has completed at least 6 months of service with the existing employer and 10 years of ‘pensionable service’ on providing a Scheme Certificate after retirement (58 years) age.


As an employer or an HR manager, at some point you’re bound to face the inevitable. A RESIGNATION – Yes, resignations are part and parcel of professional organizations, especially growing business. Sometimes, you might be able to take a resignation in your stride. However, every now and then you’re going to come across a situation where an unexpected resignation will affect certain important processes in your company.
Dealing with resignations appropriately and systematically avoids unnecessary stoppages or hindrances and may even work out in your favour. Here’s a step by step process on how you should handle a resignation to smoothen the transition for the employee and the company.
Dealing with resignations appropriately and systematically avoids unnecessary stoppages or hindrances and may even work out in your favour.  Here’s a step by step process on how you should handle a resignation to smoothen the transition for the employee and the company.
1. Acknowledge the resignation.
As soon as you receive a resignation from an employee (formal or informal), let the employee know that you have received it and have begun the process at your end.  This calms some initial nerves and keeps both parties on the same page.  Once, you’ve done this, follow the steps below:
  1. The reporting boss and the HR manager coordinate to decide if they want to attempt to retain the employee or not.
  2. Arrange for an informal meeting where you can discuss with the employee if there is any way you can retain him. Otherwise, confirm the notice period, handover process and any unfinished projects that you would want completed before the employee’s exit.
  3. Also, determine whether you want to replace the employee with a new hire. In case you need to hire someone, it’s best to get started with that process as soon as possible.
2. Negotiating with the employee
If you think that the employee is worth going that extra mile to retain, then you’re going to need to understand what it’s going to take to retain him.  Usually, a hike or a promotion will make the employee rethink his decision.  However, if the issue is deeper and he/she cannot be convinced, then it’s best to show support towards their decision.
3. Notice Period and other formalities
Once the resignation has been mutually accepted, discuss what would be the last day of working for the employee. In most cases, notice periods are already decided when an employee joins. This has to be adhered to unless the employee and employer mutually decide otherwise.
Notice period buyouts are common these days and hence it’s a good thing to be prepared for that as well. The norm is usually a day’s salary for each day of the notice that the resigning employee doesn’t serve.  On many occasions, the buyout is done by the new company that the employee would be moving to. The right to decline the buyout remains with the employer but shouldn’t be exercised unless absolutely necessary.
Here are a couple more things you may want to discuss while confirming the notice period:
4. Pending Projects
If there’s anything on the employees plate that you would like to see completed before he leaves, make that clear.  This keeps the employee from getting lethargic during his final days and ensures delivery of work.  However, do make sure that you don’t overburden the employee with unrealistic deadlines.
5. The handing over process
The work handled by the employee resigning of course needs to be taken care of once he is gone.  Ask him to pass on his access and tasks at hand (wherever relevant) to a colleague or the new hire.
6. Notice period formalities
Depending on your company policy, you may have separate leave policies and access for employees on their notice period. It’s a good idea to reiterate them to the employee when you have the initial meeting.
7. The Exit Interview
Close to the end of the notice period, it’s important to conduct an exit interview to further smoothen the exit of the employee.  Having this interview close to the last day, helps the employee be bolder about his views. While this may also seem like a formality, when done systematically, it can answer some crucial employee management questions.
Here are some questions that you should ask while conducting an exit interview.
  • Why he/she has decided to leave?
  • What could you have done to avoid the resignation?
  • Would he/she recommend your company to a friend?
  • If Yes/No, then what are the reasons?
  • Did he/have the tools to carry out their job well?
  • What he/she liked most about the company?
  • What he/ she disliked most about the company?
The answers to these questions should be documented for analysis later.  Keeping a log of the exit interview responses will help in identifying HR issues and reduce attrition rates.
8. Relieving Formalities
Finally before the employee completes his/her last day, ensure all exit formalities have been taken care of.  You may want to create a process where the employee needs to get an acknowledgement from relevant superiors before he leaves. This ensures that all pending tasks have been completed and the necessary handovers are done.
Also, ensure that all items given to the employee have been returned. Here’s a quick checklist of things you may have to take back before he leaves.
  • Laptops
  • Keys for Office/Drawers etc.
  • IDs and Access Cards
  • Company Cell phone
  • Company Credit Card
As an extra step, it would also be nice gesture to mail employees on their last day wishing them luck.  This would leave the employee with a positive image of your company.
9. F&F and relieving letter
It’s finally time to process the employee’s full and final settlement.  Here’s a quick guide to what you need to include in it
  • Unpaid Salary including LTA, reimbursements and bonuses
  • Encashment of leaves that haven’t been taken
  • Gratuity, if applicable
  • Pension, if applicable
Once the amount has been processed, send the employee his/her relieving letter. Don’t forget to mention the tenure, designation and compensation in the letter.

Following a set procedure, avoids unnecessary delays smoothens the transition for the employee and for you. Try to keep things professional so that there are no burned bridges at the end of the ordeal.

17 Nov 2017

How to Impress Employers with your CV or Resume: 20 Tips for Do's and Don't

How to Impress Employers with your CV or Resume: 20 Tips
Applying for any new job always requires a proper presentation of your eligibility. In order to get the job, you need to convince the employer of your skills, since you would be competing with thousands of candidates for the job. This is where CV comes to your rescue. CV or Curriculum Vitae is nothing but, a total summary of a person’s academic and professional history, skills and abilities prepared for the job application. CV preparation is itself an art. So let us discuss how to make an effective CV that would impress employers, anytime. There are many things you should keep in mind while preparing your CV. The more you follow the guidelines, the better chance you get to impress your employer. Some of the most important points or guidelines to remember are mentioned below:
Step by Step Guide to Writing a Good Resume or CV:
The following mentioned below are few best tips for writing a resume or CV.
1. Proper organisation:
While preparing your CV, you must take proper care to organise your CV format in such a way that, it becomes professionally appealing. Your CV needs to be well- structured and authentic enough, to capture the employer’s gaze. Always remember, usually your employer first attends to the upper middle area of the first page. Make sure to add your strongest points in that area, be it your skills or any powerful experience relevant to the job. A properly organised content attracts more employers than a disorganised one.
2. Keep it simple and concise:
While preparing your CV it is crucial to keep it as concise and clear as possible. Your CV should reflect your relevant skills efficiently. Unless you are applying for some design related job, keep your CV free from unnecessary details. Use proper formatting, A4 size plain sheet and readable fonts like times new roman or Calibri while writing your CV, to ensure simple, professional tone. Unnecessary use of complex words or fonts that are difficult to perceive results in a bad impression. therefore, consider using simple clear language for an impressive result.
3. Focus on strong points:
Yes, your strong points. If you are going to apply for a job, make sure your eligibility stands out in the crowd. Properly cross-check your strong points and skills with respect to the job and mention it in clear precise manner. Enhance your points with proper vocabulary at the same time use proper keywords for the relevant skills.
4. Your personal details:
Providing personal information in detailed format is very necessary. Personal details act as a link of communication between the employer and the candidate. Do remember to provide correct details like proper mail id, working cell phone number or any social media accounts (if asked) for proper correspondence.
5. Be honest with your writing:
One of the most important thing about effective CV writing tips is- NEVER LIE. You can enhance your skills, provided that true information is being mentioned. Faking skills may result in bad impression, thus decreasing your chance of getting the job. Getting honest with your skills will also ensure trust after employment. So always be honest while writing resume.
6. Understand the job details:
While applying for a certain job, it is always crucial to find out what exactly is the job asking from you. This research helps you impress your employers with your flawless understanding of job requirements. Understand the service, prepare your skills, use bulletins if required and present. Your CV must reflect your extensive knowledge on the specified job.
7. Use proper adjectives:
One of the secret to writing effective CV or resume building is adjectives. Yes, a properly used adjective at relevant places not only enhances your writing but makes a stunning impression in front of the employer. Take the advantage of scores of assertive to create a professional CV. according to a study, Words like “developed”, “assessed”, “implemented”, etc have a more professional impact, than simple English.
8. Add some interests:
Adding interest category in your CV saves you from writing a complete technical CV. Yes, interests are considered to be the only informal part of the CV that is actually necessary. Put some interesting hobbies you have or things you love to do in some good language, to make a lasting impression. Interests in your CV show your diversity instead of sticking point by point with the job descriptions.
9. Keep a well-informed CV:
One of the important resume tips or CV tips is that, your CV should show all your recent activities as well as your history with utmost clarity. An updated CV carries more value than a CV whose information are quite outdated. Usually, an employer will look up for your recent activities on your CV for better judgement. Try to put your latest positions and abilities on your CV, to increase the probability of impressing your employer.
10. Be positive:
Your CV is a summarized version of you that reflects your character and abilities. Therefore, maintaining a positive attitude not only help in enhancing your CV, but also makes sure that the employer gets impressed. A positive mind is what an employer seeks in a candidate. While mentioning your points in your CV try using more positive language for a better result and impress employers with your CV.
Things to Avoid While Writing a Good CV or Resume:
There are a few things that need to be avoided to ensure perfection in your CV making.
1. Grammatical and punctuation errors:
Errors are the last thing that anybody wants to see in your professional CV, especially a grammatical error. So this should be kept in mind while working on the preparation of a CV. Avoid making grammatical errors, since they may result in bad impression. Take particular care of your tenses and try to keep your CV in perfect tenses wherever required, like for instance, keep your abilities in present continuous form and experiences in past.
Avoid using “I have” or “I had” in your CV. Start with an assertion for a better impression like “developed” or “investigated” in the experience category.
Proofread your CV before submitting, since this will help you identify any simple mistake that you would have made while writing.
Avoid overdoing things. Do not use fancy words that literally mean nothing at all or complex words that are hard to perceive. Your CV may get rejected right away if your employer is unable to understand your language in your CV. Try keeping it simple and professional.
2. Irrelevant content:
Never stray away from the topic. Like for instance, if you are asked to apply for a sales executive job, you need to prepare a CV describing your abilities as a sales executive. Any deviation from mainstream will only result in sheer rejection of your CV . Always perform good research on the job beforehand and then start with the writing. Write precisely to the point, describing well how you are fit for this job. Maintain perfect consistency with your writing and show relevant skills, abilities and interests that are actually necessary to impress the employer.
3. Unnecessary details:
According to a study, a CV of 2 pages that contains meaningful, relevant information carries more value than a CV of 5 pages full of unnecessary details that are not required. Avoid cramping your CV with information that are actually of no relation to the job. Try shortening your statements to keep it between 8-10 words per line. Use bullets to put forth your point in an organised manner. Employers usually prefer lists and bullet points than essays. At the same time don’t add too much of them, as it may make your CV too technical. Give your words enough space to breathe. Your each word should be carefully chosen and incorporated. With proper formatting, relevant information and professional layout, prepare your CV within 2 A4 size pages at max.
4. Poor history:
You are ready with your first professional CV, and yet your education and work history look flat. It will only create a bad impression. Make sure your history work is to the point, relevant to the job and describes your abilities well. It should give the impression that you have quite a quality experience in past which may prove fruitful for your current job.
Use past tense while describing history works, and use assertion in past too.
5. Lying:
The worst thing that you can do while writing your CV is Lying. Exaggerating the truth a little bit is not harmful, but too much of it may result in a disaster. Be it a bigger lie, for instance, made-up businesses or accomplishments or smaller falsehoods like over exaggeration of your abilities or faking new skills may go unnoticed, yet bring you to shame after you have received the job. Hence, it is always advised to write the truth and only the truth.This is one of the vital resume building tips.
6. Negative attitude:
Do not bring negativity into your CV. It should reflect only positiveness. Negativity regarding previous employer or work, or in the case of ability or skill should be shunned in the first place. Try avoiding negative statements like “don’t” , “can’t” or “unable to” in your CV. Instead, use positive words like “able to”, or “can” whenever required.
7. Bad font:
Fonts are an integral part of the CV. You certainly cannot experiment with thousands of fonts available in MS word. A perfect formal font is all you need. Try going for Calibri or arial while typing out your CV. Avoid using fonts like comic sans or Baskerville old face if you want to have a professional presentation. You can use times new roman, though.
8. Omitting accomplishment:
One of the worst things that you can do is omitting your accomplishments. Yes, employers approve of candidates with proper accomplishments from the past and good knowledge of the job they are currently applying for. Add correct, a relevant accomplishment in support of your abilities to increase your chances of hitting on the job. Do not add irrelevant accomplishment which has nothing to do with your application.
9. Missing photo:
Photo may not be an important part of your CV, but if you are going to apply online, providing photo is a must. The employer must ascertain that the CV has come from an existing person, not from any anonymous non-existent one. Also, choosing the right photo for the CV is very crucial. Do not provide your facebook or any social media photos attached as it results in bad impression. Use a proper formal photo taken with the good camera. Avoid blurred images or cropped distorted ones. Also, try not to use any photo-enhancing apps for your photo. Keep it simple and classy.
10. Improper contact information:
Imagine your CV has resulted in your job selection and when the employer tries to contact you back, he finds the contact information provided are all dud. Most likely he would just skip you and move on with other CVs. This has happened many times with various job recruiters. According to a study, wrong contact information will result in skipping off your application since the employer will have no option left other than cutting you out. So make sure all the information you provide are valid and working. Double-check your contact information to avoid simple errors.

To conclude this article, I would certainly advise you to adhere to the following guidelines before preparing your CV, and do not resort to unfair means to grab the job. Going clean not only ensures that your employer is impressed with your work but also results in lasting impression in your job. A properly executed CV goes a long way achieving your goal than a poorly presented one. So keep in mind the important points as well as avoid the common mistakes which may bring down your impression. Go for short, precise, to the point, and rich in content writing which is preferred in every sector of employment. Whether you are applying for the post of junior or for the post of senior manager, properly maintained CV can make sure that you impress your recruiter with your abilities, that are properly presented. Take a good care while writing out your CV and also avoid copying, to make sure you get your name on the selected list.

How to Write Good Resumes to Impress the Employers

Eleven steps to help you avoid errors in writing your resume.
Don't use the 'standardized' resume format produced by many of the more popular online job sites (e.g. Job Top Gun).
Your resume is personal and should reflect as much as possible as to who you are. By all means use the online system format in order to take advantage of the website's job matching capabilities, but make sure you attach a copy of your personalized resume to the system.
Don't make your resume too long.
There is absolutely no reason for anyone's resume, irrespective of how many years of experience they may have, to cover more than three sides of A4 paper. Remember your resume is a bid to get you noticed and hopefully invited in for a face-to-face interview - reading a resume the length of a novel will not endear you to a prospective employer.
Do list your work experience in reverse chronological order.
                In other words your most recent job should come first in your resume. Put simply, a potential employer does not want to have to read to the bottom of a document to find out what you are doing now.
Don't include irrelevant information.
 Irrelevant information will often prevent the reader from seeing your 'selling points'. Only include elements of your experience that you feel the hiring company will be looking for in the particular job vacancy. Additionally, don't include information about your hobbies unless relevant to the role you are applying for or are an important part of your social life. For example, knowing your blood type or that you like watching movies is highly unlikely to be a reason why someone would want to interview you.
Do use 'spell-check' before you send out your application.
 Misspellings will, at best, communicate poor writing skills or poor attitude and, at worst, cause big misunderstandings. For example, the executive who claimed he was "instrumental in ruining the entire operation" when it should have been "instrumental in running the entire operation." Proofread your resume and cover letter carefully and have friends or family read it as well.
Do provide evidence of your experience.
Whilst brevity is highlighted above, it is not sufficient to just provide a list of the companies you have worked for. You need to provide specific examples of how you achieved success. Resume-writing professionals recommend using the PARS formula: Describe a Problem, the Action you took, the Results you achieved and Skills you applied.
Don't overlook the importance of the presentation of the resume.
Poor formatting, alignment, spacing, the use of bold and capitalized text, etc., can make a resume difficult to read. Though there are a number of resume layouts that are effective, the following structure is recommended: -Header (your name, address, e-mail address and phone number); -Career summary (profiling the scope of your experience and skills); -Reverse chronological employment history emphasizing achievements; -Education (usually only University level qualifications).
Don't send your resume in Landscape format!
Do include a Career summary/ Introductory statement.
Most hiring managers or recruiters don't have time to match unspecified resumes to open positions. It is therefore important to lead off with a career summary or introductory statement that makes it clear what type of position you are seeking and why you are qualified for the role.
Don't use personal pronouns and articles.
With just two or three pages to sell yourself, make each word count. Write in a telegraphic style, eliminating all personal pronouns and articles like "the," "a" and "an." Removing the "I," "me" and "my" from your resume not only frees up space, but creates a subliminal perception of objectivity.
Do think about the 'keyword' content of your resume.
                More and more companies and recruiters are now using applicant tracking software. Your resume needs to contain the keywords and phrases the software is screening for. These words are not the verbs stressed in paper resumes, but nouns such as job titles and technical skills.

30 Oct 2017

How to Register PAN Card at Incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in

For Registering PAN Card , Follow the Steps:

Login to www.incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in

Select new to efiling ( Register Yourself )

From that ScrollDown Bar Select Your Type ( For Example Individual )

Select On Individual and click on Continue

Fill Basic Details and Click on Continue

Fill Personal Details and Click on Submit

Now you will Receive OTP To your Registered Mobile Number and Your Registered Email ID.

Enter that OTP numbers and Click on Validate.

Or otherwise you will Get Activation Link from DONOTREPLY ( Income Tax ).. Click on that link..

Now you will Get Thank you for Registering with E-Filing...

Now select the Login Option and Enter the UserID and Password.. User ID is your PAN Number and Password what you given by the time of Registration

You should enter your DOB and Captcha Code..

If You want to Link Your PAN with Aadhar Number then you should Enter your 12 Digit Aadhar Number and Name as Per Aadhar Card and Click on Link Now...

Thank You....

9 Jul 2015

To find Fraudster Companies

These days all fresh graduates are waiting for the best job in all industries, Some Fraud peoples are taking this as an advantage and making money out of it.

They are offering jobs in their fake companies. These Fraud companies are just Register their names and they collect money from the fresher and tells them they offer the Best Jobs. Most of the Fraud companies are not providing salaries to their employees. Few companies giving fake experience certificates for money.


In this link for using to check the companies had registered or not. And you will get some clear ideas about that particular companies... Dont Trust all others whose try to get money from a candidate for job purpose.

Table Manners ( Do's & Don'ts )

         Whether you're eating at a fancy restaurant, in the cafeteria, or at home with friends and families, good table manners make for a more pleasant meal. While you may not need to worry about confusing your salad fork with your desert fork when dining with friends, some basic table manners should never be forgotten. Here are some easy-to-follow Do's and Don'ts:

Table Manner DO'S

  • Sit properly (and straight) in your chair
  • Talk about pleasant things
  • Place your napkin on your lap
  • Wait until everyone is seated before starting to eat
  • Watch others, or ask, if you're not sure how to eat something
  • Ask someone to pass the food, rather than reach across the table
  • Chew with your mouth closed
  • Don't talk with your mouth full
  • Use a knife and fork to cut your meat
  • Say "excuse me" or "I'm sorry" if you burp
  • Say "no thank you" if you don't want a certain dish or are full
  • Say "may I please be excused" before leaving the table

Table Manner DON'TS

  • Don't talk about gross things
  • Don't ask for seconds before others have had firsts
  • Don't take more than your fair share
  • Don't overload your fork or plate
  • Don't gobble your food
  • Don't chew with your mouth open
  • Don't talk with your mouth full
  • Don't play at the table
  • Don't hum or sing at the table
  • Don't tip your chair or lean on the table
  • Don't eat with or lick your fingers
  • Don't push your plate away when you're finished

7 Jul 2015

FlipKart Story

           Flipkart is an e-commerce company founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal. It is registered in Singapore and it operates in India, where it is headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka.Flipkart has launched its own product range under the name "DigiFlip" with products including tablets, USBs, and laptop bags.
          In May 2014, Flipkart received $210 million from DST Global, in July 2014 it raised $1 billion led by existing investors Tiger Global and South Africa's media group Naspers and in May 2015 it raised $550 million from some of its existing investors. Flipkart's last fundraising round in May 2015 had pegged its valuation at $15 billion.
Flipkart (Company) was founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal, both alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. They had been working for Amazon.com previously. The business was formally incorporated as a company in October 2007 as Flipkart Online Services Pvt. Ltd. The first product sold by them was the book Leaving Microsoft To Change The World, bought by VVK Chandra from Andhra Pradesh. Flipkart now employs more than 20000 people. Flipkart allows payment methods such as cash on delivery, credit or debit card transactions, net banking, e-gift voucher and card swipe on delivery.
  • 2010: WeRead, a social book discovery tool.
  • 2011: Mime360, a digital content platform company.
  • 2011: Chakpak.com, a Bollywood news site that offers updates, news, photos and videos. Flipkart acquired the rights to Chakpak's digital catalogue which includes 40,000 filmographies, 10,000 movies and close to 50,000 ratings. Flipkart has categorically said that it will not be involved with the original site and will not use the brand name.
  • 2012: Letsbuy.com, an Indian e-retailer in electronics. Flipkart has bought the company for an estimated US$25 million. Letsbuy.com was closed down and all traffic to Letsbuy has been diverted to Flipkart.
  • 2014: Acquired Myntra.com in an estimated ₹ 20 billion (2,000 crore, about US$319 million) deal.
  • 2015: Flipkart acquires a Bangalore-based global mobile network AdiQuity for an undisclosed amount.
  • 2015: Flipkart acquires a mobile marketing start-up Appiterate as to strengthen its mobile platform.
Initially, they had spent ₹ 400,000 only for making website to set up the business. Flipkart has later raised funding from venture capital funds Accel India (US$1 million in 2009) and Tiger Global (US$10 million in 2010 and US$20 million in June 2011). On 24 August 2012, Flipkart announced the completion of its 4th round of $150 million funding from MIH (part of Naspers Group) and ICONIQ Capital. The company announced, on 10 July 2013, that it has raised an additional $200 million from existing investors including Tiger Global, Naspers, Accel Partners and Iconiq Capital.
Flipkart's reported sales were ₹ 40 million in FY 2008–2009, ₹ 200 million in FY 2009–2010 and ₹ 750 million for FY 2010–2011. In FY 2011–2012, Flipkart is set to cross the ₹ 5 billion (US$100 million) mark as Internet usage in the country increases and people get accustomed to making purchases online. Flipkart projects its sales to reach ₹ 10 billion by year 2014. On average, Flipkart sells nearly 10 products per minute and is aiming at generating a revenue of ₹ 50 billion (US$0.81 billion) by 2015.
On November 2012, Flipkart became one of the companies being probed for alleged violations of FDI regulations of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
Flipkart reported a loss of ₹ 281 crore for the FY 2012-13. In July 2013, Flipkart raised USD 160 million from private equity investors.
In October 2013, it was reported that Flipkart had raised an additional $160 million from new investors Dragoneer Investment Group, Morgan Stanley Wealth Management,Sofina SA and Vulcan Inc. with participation from existing investor Tiger Global.
On 26 May 2014, Flipkart announced that it has raised $210 million from Yuri Milner’s DST Global and its existing investors Tiger Global, Naspers and Iconiq Capital.
In early July 2014, it was also highly speculated that Flipkart was in negotiations to raise at least $500 million, for a likely listing in the US for 2016.
On 29 July 2014, Flipkart announced that it raised $1 billion from Tiger Global Management LLC, Accel Partners, and Morgan Stanley Investment Management and a new investor Singapore sovereign-wealth fund GIC.
On 6 October 2014, Flipkart sold products worth INR 650Crore in 10 hours in a special one-day event - "The Big Billion Day", claiming they had created e-commerce history, but their hard-won reputation for good customer service suffered because of technical problems, and angry reactions on social media from buyers disappointed with the pricing and availability of products. It claimed to sell a whopping 5 lakh mobile handsets, five-lakh clothes and shoes and 25,000 television sets within hours of opening its discounted sale at 8 AM. In December 2014, After it received $700 million from another funding, Flipkart had a market cap of $11 billion or Rs.66000 crore. In May 2015 Flipkart has raised $550 million from some of its existing investors, in a deal that raises the valuation of the privately-held Indian startup to about $15 billion or Rs. 90,000 crore 
On 20 December 2014, Flipkart announced filing application with Singapore-based companies' regulator ACRA to become a public company after raising USD 700 million for long term strategic investments in India following which its number of investors exceeded 50. The USD 700 million fund raised by Flipkart added new investors - Baillie Gifford, Greenoaks Capital, Steadview Capital, T. Rowe Price Associates and Qatar Investment Authority - on company's board.Its existing investors DST Global, GIC, ICONIQ Capital and Tiger Global also participated in this latest financing round.
Exclusive product launches
Motorola Mobility, previously owned by Google but then sold to Lenovo, in an exclusive tie up with Flipkart launched its budget smartphone Moto G in India on 5 February 2014. This triggered an overwhelming response from online shoppers and more than 20,000 units were sold within hours of launch on Flipkart. After the Moto G successful debut launch, Flipkart was looking for a long term tie up with Motorola Mobility. The Moto G success story, led to another exclusive tie up between Flipkart & Motorola Mobility, who launched their flagship Android smartphone, the Moto X on 19 March 2014. After Moto G and Moto X, Flipkart invited the Moto E, the newest member of Moto family which is even cheaper than Moto G on 13 May 2014. The sale of high-end smartphone Xiaomi Mi3 produced by Xiaomi Tech was launched in India on an exclusive tie-up with Flipkart. The first batch was sold out within 39 minutes on 22 July 2014, the second in 5 seconds on 29 July 2014. The sale was proceeded on pre-registration mode where more than 150 000 buyers booked for the 5 August 2014 sale. This got sold off in less than 2 seconds. Following this Xiaomi Tech decided to sell 20,000 pieces in the next sale scheduled for 12 August 2014. On 2 September 2014 Flipkart held a flash sale of the budget Android smartphone the Xiaomi Redmi 1S which was launched in India in July 2014. 40, 000 units priced at Rs 5999 each were sold within seconds. In the second round of Xiaomi Redmi 1S sale held on Sept 9, 2014, 40,000 units were sold within a span of 4.5 seconds, slightly longer than the first sale, which lasted just 4.3 seconds. Third round of Redmi 1S sale held on Sept 16, 2014 with again 40,000 units sold in fastest of all 3.4 seconds. In the 4th round of sale of Redmi 1S held on Sept 23, 2014, Flipkart put more units this time, 60,000 units go out of stock in 5.2 seconds. In the latest Flash sale held on Sept 30, 2014, once again 60,000 units Go out of stock in 13.9 seconds. Redmi Note in India exclusively through Flipkart. The first flash sale of 50,000 Redmi Note devices held on 2 December 2014 and all the devices sold out in mere 6 seconds, just like all the earlier flash sales of Xiaomi held at Flipkart. Flipkart is planning to enter into grocery segment soon after amazon started its grocery pilot project in Bangalore as Kirana now.Both amazon and Flipkart may face stiff competition from local startups like bigbasket,zopnow, bazaarcart etc.
In-house products
Digiflip, Flipkart's own electronic brand
  • In July 2014 Flipkart launched its own set of tablet, mobile phones & Phablet. The first among these series of tablet phones was Digiflip Pro XT 712 Tablet.
  • In July 2014 Flipkart launched its first networking router, under its own brand name named DigiFlip WR001 300 Mbit/s Wireless N Router.
  • In September 2014 Flipkart launched its in-house home appliances and personal healthcare brand Citron. The label includes a wide range of cooking utilities and grooming products.
On 13 September 2014, a Flipkart delivery boy molested a house maid in Hyderabad. The house maid's employer has been fighting against Flipkart for justice on this issue, and also for making offline delivery services safe.
On 6 October, 2014 Flipkart launched a promotion called 'Big Billion Day' with the intention to increase the popularity of their website by targeting a billion sales in 1 day. This, even though Flipkart achieved the target, led to public outcry and widespread criticism among consumers, competitors and partners, heavily damaging its reputation. Many users could not place orders because of high server load and errors which led to frustration among customers. Many users who placed orders received emails stating that their orders were cancelled. Most of the products were sold for prices less than their respective cost prices, and Flipkart was accused of killing competition. Major competitors filed complaints against Flipkart to the commerce ministry claiming that selling products lesser than cost prices is against the commerce policy of the country. The Ministry said that they will form new trade rules for electronic retail after this incident.
Flipkart received mass criticism on the subject of Net Neutrality after their announced partnership with Airtel to use the Airtel Zero platform which would have made the Flipkart app free for Airtel Users.On 14 April 2015 Flipkart retracted its decision to use Airtel Zero platform A photo posted on Flipkart's Facebook page by Kolkata-based Mani Sankar Sen shows a pair of wedges being sold on the website for Rs 399, down from the "original price" of Rs 799. However, a closer look at the product's image on the listing page shows that the pair of wedges was priced at Rs 399 originally by the manufacturer. 
Awards and recognition
  • Co-Founder of Flipkart Sachin Bansal, got Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2012-2013 from Economic Times, leading Indian Economic Daily. 
  • Flipkart.com was awarded Young Turk of the Year at CNBC TV 18's 'India Business Leader Awards 2012' (IBLA).
  • Flipkart.com- got Nominated for IndiaMART Leaders of Tomorrow Awards 2011.